About Us
The Recreational Aircraft Association in Canada is composed of aviation enthusiast working together to promote aviation of all sorts along with the advancement of the science of amateur built aircraft.
The RAA serves it's members in many ways. Whether your interested in building your own or restoring a classic of yesteryear or maybe just being a passenger on the weekends.
At the heart of the RAA there is over 40 active chapters in Canada and a whole network of socialites that spend their time enjoying their life long passion each day. The RAA is a completely volunteer organization. The benefit our members receive is directly proportional to our collective contribution so we invite you to come and join the group.
Read through the web site and feel free to contact anyone of us via email or better yet, Saturday morning on the field.
We are located at the North end of the Brampton Flying Club's property and are one of Canada's largest RAA chapters.
The Brampton Flying Club is centrally located in Southern Ontario, just 12 NM north west of the Toronto International airport.
This is one of Canada's most popular airports for recreational aviators and amateur builders.
The RAA Toronto Region is managed by a Board of Directors
2019 RAA-TR Directors
President: Fred Grootarz
Vice-President: Alain Ouellet
Treasurer: Brian Heinmiller
Secretary/Newsletter: Ian Parson
Safety Officer: Alain Ouellet
Facilities & Tools Director: Per Lindstrom
Director: Armando Facchini
Membership Director: Art Kitching
Director at large: Bing Storey
Director at large: Tony Majkut
Director at large: Brian Cross
Communications Director: Ken Yates
Education Director: Fred Grootarz
Webmaster/I-net Issues: Paul Yardy
BFC Liaison: Neil Mont
Director at large: Wayne Woloshin